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Coaching with me

It's time to carve out time for you and recharge your life!

You're ready to stop saying:

"Maybe one day."

"I'll get to that later."

"It's alright, it's just a busy time. I'll revisit it later."

Cuz you know the truth. Your dreams are perpetually on hold. Because you never seem to have the energy or time to focus on them.

Book a place >

It’s time to remove your extroverted mask babe and step into your own power as an ambitious introverted leader in life, career and business.


Transform your perceived weaknesses into your roadmap to success, authentic leadership and find clarity in your new vision, goals, focus and life transition.

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One size doesn’t fit all and that includes you, you introvert queen. The golden rule for communicating is to know, listen and understand the people you are trying to communicate with. As ambitious introverts, this is something we excel in but we often forget to know and listen to ourselves. And we’re not all about the hustle either. We observe and contemplate, finding a deeper why to drive us into action. And so the way we lead and navigate life transitions should also be different for us. Problem is, it’s hard to find people who model a different behavior for you to believe you can get success doing things differently from the status quo.


Our society, starting with school, values extroverted behavior and teaches that success depends on how loud you can shout. In fact, a 2019 University of Toronto Scarborough study found that extroverts had an advantage in the workplace in the following categories: motivational, emotional, interpersonal and performance. Current research is even backing up these societal beliefs, which we then internalize as facts. If you, like me, don’t identify as an extrovert, you spend years relearning ways to succeed that do not come natural to you. 


You may tell yourself that success doesn’t come easy and that this is just the natural path to becoming the leader you dream of becoming. So you adapt. But this adaptation faces continuous resistance and wastes your precious energy because it’s not who you naturally are. You may pick up and curate useful skills along the way but deep down you are exhausted. Your schedule is over committed. You’re highly stressed and nearing burnout. Some areas of your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health have started to decline. You’ve always managed to push through these bumps with more work but this time you don’t have any more energy to give. It’s hard work hiding who you really are and you’re afraid of people seeing you as weak. Spending years following a leadership style that doesn’t use your strengths can be one of the fastest ways to burn out. 


But let me tell you—this pain can be transformed into an opportunity as it has led you to action and a desire to change your status quo! You are about to embark on a new adventure. One where you discover that your perceived weaknesses are your power and gift to this world. When you learn to lead in your own unique style and energy, you find ease, confidence and peace. Your path to success will become easier once you remove the styles and schedules that are blocking you. And from there you become an empowered woman who can empower others—creating an impactful legacy. 

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for Ambitious Introverts®

It's time to claim your purpose and define the next steps towards your dream life. 

As an ambitious introvert, you have a lot on your plate. So much that you're only spending your time fire fighting and reacting to items that always seem to come up as urgent at the last minute. If you're honest, these things are never getting you closer to your dreams and meanwhile those dreams have started to seem a little fuzzy. You've been left exhausted, overwhelmed--careening towards burnout. You know you've been placed on this earth for something greater, but you haven't had the time (or energy) to figure it out.


Treat yourself to the best gift by discovering your life purpose. By focusing on your life purpose, you're claiming that you have worth, a voice and a greater purpose in this world. You always have had all of these btw. I'm just glad you're taking inspired action NOW to bring them into reality. We'll work together for three or six months of 1:1 virtual coaching. Having experience life both as a UK and US expat, I have built a successful life, community and career in two different continents and I can guide you through discovering your purpose. I'm so excited for you and showering you with virtual confetti.




3 month package: US $400 a month (payment options available)

6 month package: Save 20% (US $333.33 a month)

How much do you value freedom, empowerment, confidence, clarity, support and your future success path? It’s time to invest in yourself and accelerate your growth!



Book your complimentary clarity call with me to find out more.

Three-month or six-month virtual coaching series personalized to your life purpose needs and goals

Six or 12 hour-long video/phone calls wherever you are in the world

Email/audio support in between calls for massive inspo to achieve your goals

Support and motivation when self-doubt and fear strike

Identify self-sabotaging behaviors and energy drains that are keeping you stuck

Define and clarify your life purpose vision and align them with your core values

Create a bespoke timeline, checklist and schedule to prioritize your goal

Review and monitor your current lifestyle and environment 

Accountability to prioritize your goals and focus for the next three to six months

Understand your energy style and how to create sustainable change

Identify and practice your self-care and health needs as you work towards your purpose

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for Ambitious Introverts®

Moving. Career change. It can be stressful if you don't have a roadmap to lead you through all the bumps.

As an ambitious introvert, managing your energy is important to you and you need to get this right when you’re about to make a big life transition. Right now, you are contemplating a big life transition whether that be moving to a new city or country, considering a new career or wanting to up-level as a leader in your career. This stage can be confusing, overwhelming, uncertain and exhausting. But with the right support, structure and energy management, it doesn’t have to be. 


Save yourself time and get clear on your direction and decision by creating a step-by-step roadmap through three or six months of 1:1 coaching with me. Having experience life both as a UK and US expat, I have built a successful life, community and career in two different continents and I can guide you through your own life transition.




3 month package: US $300 a month (payment options available)

6 month package: Save 15% (US $255 a month)

How much do you value freedom, empowerment, confidence, clarity, support and your future success path? It’s time to invest in yourself and accelerate your growth!



Book your complimentary clarity call with me to find out more.

Three-month or six-month coaching series personalized to your life transition needs and goals

Six or 12 hour-long video/phone calls wherever you are in the world

Email/audio support in between calls for massive inspo to achieve your goals

Support and motivation when self-doubt and fear strike

Identify self-sabotaging behaviors and energy drains that are keeping you stuck

Define and clarify your life transition vision and align them with your core values

Create a bespoke timeline, checklist and schedule to prioritize your goal

Review and monitor your current lifestyle and environment 

Accountability to prioritize your goals and focus for the next three to six months

Understand your energy style and how to create sustainable change

Identify and practice your self-care and health needs before, during and after the transition

BONUS: Learn how to nurture connections to support you throughout the transition to make it as smooth as possible ($300 value)

BONUS: A resume/CV edit to ensure you’re marketing yourself at the right level and audience ($500 value)


The biggest changes since working with Heather are the strength of my relationships which have greatly improved. 


I also have a clear understanding of what I want in life, I’ve created a life that matches my values and I’m going after some big and exciting dreams like buying a house and starting a business. I finally feel unstuck and know exactly where I want to go.”

Marine, confidence coach, London

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for Ambitious Introverts®

New leader struggling to set boundaries and identify your priorities and leadership style? It's time to discover your introverted leadership style and voice!

Three or six months of dedicated support and coaching to take you from burnout fake extroverted achiever to successful, energetic and confident leader. You will walk away with a deeper understanding of your strengths, how they supercharge your leadership style, actions to get you to your goals and your personalized schedule to get the most out of your priorities and your life with less time and effort! 


As an international communicator and marketer, I have spent more than a decade training CEOs, entrepreneurs, directors and VIPs to communicate effectively for global broadcast, digital, print, speeches, launches and with their diverse staff. I can’t wait to be your guide to define your leadership and success on your own terms.



Three-month or six-month coaching series personalized to your leadership needs and goals

Six or 12 hour-long video/phone calls wherever you are in the world

Email/audio support in between calls for massive inspo to achieve your goals

Review and monitor your current lifestyle and environment

Remove restrictive beliefs that are holding you back from success

Identify your strengths, natural leadership style and core values

Understand your energy style and needs

Develop your personal and professional goals and vision. We’re talking a holistic approach. You are multifaceted and your life needs to represent that

Align your personal and professional goals, mission, vision and values to make job interviews and business pitches a breeze

Accountability to prioritize your goals and focus for the next three to six months

Understand your energy style and how to create sustainable change

Identify and practice your self-care and health needs before, during and after the transition

BONUS: Scripts to efficiently communicate your new growth, awareness, needs and leadership style ($400 value)

BONUS: A resume/CV edit to ensure you’re marketing yourself at the right level and audience ($500 value)


3 month package: US $400 a month (payment options available)

6 month package: Save 20% (US $333.33 a month)

How much do you value freedom, empowerment, confidence, clarity, support and your future success path? It’s time to invest in yourself and accelerate your growth!



Book your complimentary clarity call with me to find out more.

The biggest change was the way I handled stress and criticism from others.

Once I addressed this, people have noticed that I no longer am affected and upset the way I used to by other people’s energies. This has made me feel so free to be me while no longer burning mental energy on thinking what others may think. I show up better and my relationships have become stronger."

Kate London, life coach, Australia



Are you ready to up-level your leadership skills or jump into a big life transition but currently sitting in overwhelm?


When was the last time you said yes to yourself?



How much time each week do you carve out for your dreams, goals and make you a priority?


If so, coaching is probably not your jam right now. But breathe introverted sis - that's perfectly ok! You are exactly where you need to be beautiful.


You have many more adventures ahead of you and you may just need more time, experiences or research before you come back. You also might just enjoy being comfortable right now even if you're feeling a tinge of unhappiness. 

Next step

Give yourself permission to enjoy this phase! Release any guilt or shame. A season of change will come but for now, it's not now and that's more than ok! What joy could enter your life if you released that guilt/need to change when you're not ready?

Check out my Find Your Focus For Ambitious Introverts
podcast first and do one small thing this week for only you because it brings YOU joy. You are enough and worthy of some introverted me time right now. 


Did you start to make excuses when you answered the above questions?


Did you have an a-ha but kind of sad moment when answering the above questions?

I see that fire burning in you - and your ambitious introverted soul is ready to dive in deep and create exciting transformations in your personal and/or professional life.


Next step

Check out the two 1:1 coaching packages I offer above. I'd love to be able to support you on your journey to becoming an empowered introverted leader and move through some obstacles in your upcoming life transition.


How much time per week do I need to dedicate to this?

Our calls are every other week and last 1 hour. After every session, you’ll have set actions to complete within the two weeks before our next session.


In order to stay accountable and achieve your actions, I encourage you to set time aside every day to complete 1 small thing towards your actions.


What do I need for our coaching sessions?

Please make sure you have a strong Internet connection (home signals are usually the best) and wear a headset (or the Apple headphones with microphone) for the clearest and best audio. This reduces the likelihood of any interference in your audio.

Make sure you have a pad of paper and a pen to take any notes – especially to list your goals and action steps.


Can’t afford it?

Please don’t place yourself under serious financial strain to work with me! But it’s also great to consider:

  • How much is it going to cost you to continue to be stuck where you are?

  • What are things costing you right now that can be changed for the better?


Investing in yourself is one of the best return on investments. Not only does this knowledge stay with you for life but it also impacts your VIPs.


I’m super busy. What if I don’t have time to make some of the coaching sessions right now?

I know sometimes life happens and you’re super busy and ambitious. But as I know scheduling and your time are two things you’re probably having trouble committing fully to – I ask that you commit 100% to this coaching series and this investment in yourself. What you don’t water won’t grow.

I ask that you schedule in your sessions before we start your coaching series. This is a contract between you and me that you honor your time and mine and you commit to your growth, development, time and energy.

Should emergencies happen – I’m happy to reschedule up to half of your sessions though please give me as much notice (text is preferable) as possible so that I can reschedule you in to the next available spot without too much of a delay. I don’t want you to lose momentum!

Are there payment plans available?

I offer monthly and twice a month payment options! We can discuss this in your complimentary clarity call.

Do you give refunds

Due to the transformative nature of this work, there are no refunds available.

Can you guarantee results?

If you do the work, commit yourself 100% you will see some beautiful growth and change in your life! But because I can’t guarantee that you’ll do the work, I unfortunately can’t guarantee that you’ll get results. It’s your responsibility to show up 100% of the time and take initiative in your own personal growth and development.

I have clinical depression. Will this help me?

Unfortunately, I am not a trained psychologist or medical doctor so I can’t take a client that has a clinical diagnosis. I wish you all the best in your treatment with a medical professional. I’m sending you tons of love and healing energy your way.


Still have questions?

I’m happy to help! Send me an email at


If you made it this far down the page, it’s probably because you’re ready for a transformation and considering coaching with me.


You might be asking yourself how things will be different this time...worried you might invest in another one of those programs and not see results.


I know we don’t know each other yet, but I can promise you this – I show up fully for you and if you do the work—you’ll see change! It’s all up to how you show up for yourself.


I know it’s a big commitment and you might be feeling a little scared right now. But let me ask you:

How many times has saying no to yourself and listening to your fear gotten you the results you’re looking for?


Why not try something new?


Fear. We all battle it from time to time. I had it when I booked a one-way ticket to the US without a job or a flat waiting for me at the other side. But what I know to be true is that something better is waiting for you on the other end of that fear. Let’s bust through your fear together and know that I’ll be with you the whole way.


If you don’t try something new—you may never experience the freedom, time and energy that you crave and deserve.


So why not listen to that ambitious, introverted soul of yours who’s whispering she needs a change?

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