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Find out what others have achieved through coaching with me.


Before I worked with Heather I wasn’t being true to myself or being my true self with the people around me. I was anxious and didn’t have a clear vision of my life or what I wanted.


I was anxious in a way to begin our first session but that didn’t last long!


I felt extremely at ease by the tone of Heather’s voice. I have been able to share with her things that I haven’t told anyone around me ever. I felt very much like she was holding a safe space and non-judging space for me to share my truth.


The biggest changes since working with Heather are the strength of my relationships, which have greatly improved. I feel that the people who are surrounded by me care about me as much as I care about them. My friends and family have noticed the changes saying that I’m more present.


I also have a clear understanding of what I want in life, I’ve created a life that matches my values and I’m going after some big and exciting dreams like buying a house and starting a business. I finally feel unstuck and know exactly where I want to go.”

Marine Lincoln - confidence coach - London, UK

Before I started coaching with Heather, I kept putting others' needs before my own, which made me feel unaligned and disempowered.


Heather really helped me to see that the actions I was taking was serving no one if I’m not coming from a place full of love and flow. She helped me realize that I had been putting aside my happiness because of a fear that was causing me to stay stuck.

Heather helped me to start taking inspired action that serves me, lights me up and helped guide me out of my old way of thinking that no longer served me. It was challenging and I had resistance to the change. Without Heather expanding my awareness to where I was holding myself back, I wouldn’t have created the change I needed to take the steps forward in my life I kept seeking. 

The biggest change was the way I handled stress and criticism from others. Once I addressed this, people have noticed that I no longer am affected and upset the way I used to by other people’s energies. This has made me feel so free to be me while no longer burning mental energy on thinking what others may think. I show up better and my relationships have become stronger.

I’m now in the process of moving to Bali, making investments that are aligned with my personal values and starting my own business – something I’ve been wanting to do for awhile but now I’m ready to jump into an exciting new adventure and say yes to myself."

Kate London - life coach - Australia

“I was primarily struggling to develop a work/life balance. My job seemed all-consuming and I was unhappy with how my priorities seemed to be misaligned to my values.

I realized that I had been repeating a cycle of reaching summertime and wanting to ‘reconnect’ with my personal life, but feeling frustrated that this seemed to be my status quo. It seemed to be a never-ending cycle that didn’t work for me. I realized that if I didn’t do something about it, it would only continue.

I had never worked with a coach before and was a bit nervous to put it all out there, but I found the experience clarifying, affirming and valuable.

Really, the biggest thing that shifted after my first session with Heather was my outlook on success and what it would look like. I knew that we would be working through some areas of struggle, but I realized that success would be a process and not an endpoint.

People in my life have noted that I seem more organized and content than in the past.

I feel like I can prioritize my time commitments and obligations more effectively. While this may not seem major, it is.

Before I worked with Heather, my work life was bleeding into my personal life and had been doing so for some time. I was unhappy and knew I needed to establish and maintain some healthy boundaries but just couldn’t seem to get into a routine that worked for me. Now, the routine is there and I feel lighter, and I also feel like my work life and personal life have benefited from me being more focused and present in each.”

Heather - educator - Texas, USA

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