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Teaching yoga & headlining international events as an introvert

Creating energetic boundaries and space and managing anxiety as an introverted leader

I'm so excited for you to meet my dear friend Eva Hamilton in today's episode. Eva, a fellow introvert, is a highly trained and sought after international yoga teacher and educator. She holds workshops and retreats around the world.

Eva is offering a free gift for podcast listeners who listen in March 2020. So make sure you listen to this episode ASAP and grab Eva's generous offer. Details will be in the show notes.

In This Episode:

Dealing with anxiety as an introvert

How to teach and train groups as an introvert

How to host international events as an introvert

Techniques to reduce anxiety

Best yoga pose for introverts

Protecting your energy before, during and after teaching yoga

Moving countries as an introvert

Subscribe to the Find Your Focus podcast and listen to new episodes every Tuesday. iTunes | Google Podcast | Google Play | Spotify | Stitcher

Connect with Eva here: Instagram and Facebook

Take Eva’s online yoga classes, sign up to retreats and trainings: Eva’s website

Connect with me on Instagram: A Restored Radiance Instagram

Sign up for brief weekly energy boosters in your inbox: Zen Notes

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